DONY? I didn’t see anything from you yesterday…?
Yesterday was a total “doozy”… Ironic because I slept almost literally all day on the (F?) Train underground. I got hit in the train 2 days ago by the scrawnier of the three guys that were very rowdy on the Queens-bound F train. It was the same F train that incidentally enough had barricades in between the emergency room passage between cars and this is ironically after I have been threatened and intimidated (keyword: Public Danger) on numerous occasions while in the limited areas of the Public Transit Authorities’ system. There have been many recent changes notable, irrespective of specific dates; however taking a practical approach as aware and alert and coherent and intellectual as I am; Obviously, I am not prioritized.

People do their jobs however they so choose, especially in a time when many persons of older/elderly populations within our economy have been decimated and preceding generations; influenced by their own set of skills, associations, lifestyles and liberties granted the mainstream advancements of digital and time-sharing technologies. I, for one person in a economy sustaining hundreds of millions of constituents can reasonably say that even considering various arrays of demographic and circumstantial minute fixed and variant; am an anomaly! I am unpopular and I am rolling with the punches.
There have been many trends, whereas the imposed orders of leadership and representatives specific to many organizations have remained unchallenged? Is it the status quo? Is it the fostering of hate or cult ignorance in capacities as occupied irrespective of contract and ideal candidacy? Whatever it is, because I can speculate for hours however really have to get to work, is that I am producing original work in conditions not ideal for the independent worker who values the time and their youth that they have.
Everywhere, when you’re doing your best within biological, economical and moral limitations; assuming capacities comparable to stable and standardized intellectuals; doing what is “off the clock” unpopular- remaining in opposition to the subjectivity of subordinate in occupational society is inherently frowned upon by people who seek to profit off of you and pay their bills. Look at Great Britain. The desire to rule is innate. Possessiveness, can go under the radar in most cases however luckily for Americans, constitutional order establishes superior reference points for all of us.

When I have more time as I want to write about more topics, to set the record straight about what is correct and just and fair; granted (since 1/5/2022) the evolution of my intellectual capacities whereas distinct character traits of mine have lead to the progression of such intellect. In the meantime, Im excited!
In conclusion, I took time to rest reasonably, chronic pain and fatigue have (MLA writing alert) shrouded me for many months, and more than a year now. This experience ultimately is horrific however this American Horror Story is almost over! I also have to provide a statement to State, Regional and National authorities about the Hoboken Bar Night gone wrong incident from last week, granted incidental sensitivities and irrespective reporting, from what I could tell, for those in executive capacities responsible for operations to the best of their abilities amid the adoption of various approved Acts, laws and legislation by Members of Governmental bodies from different times generational and technologically. Specifically, my first goal is relieving myself of these extreme conditions asap while remaining productive!

Don’t interpret egotistical remarks when I write what follows: Google me and you’ll see how I'm doing.
Updated: 10:58 AM Same Day
I need to, within time constraints transcribe writing produced in extreme conditions respective of biological process and associated issues independently choice-fully for reasons reserved rightfully:
Among high priority tasks; the following are recent matters that are also top priority.
About The Oct 2019 work incident effecting me singularly to all parties involved respective to responsibilities established and retracted and respectfully as an independent correspondent by rights (or writs) of law and order (not the show)
More Information:
About the January 2022 bar incident in Hoboken resulting in a list of grievances whereas the bar establishment of FAT TACO is responsible, and thus liable for damages.
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About the DUDEOFNEWYORK Initiative, established January 2022 for the purpose of prosperity for One American Constituent independently, respective of Rule of Law and Constitutional Order.
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